Concussion in Cycling: A personal account
Image credit: Mountain Bike Rider Magazine (2017) While knowledge of sports related concussion has increased over the past decade,...

Nutrition for junior athletes
When considering sport and exercise, numerous factors will influence your child’s ability to perform effectively. Asked what these...

Challenge Salou 70.3 race report
So it's been a challenging past 18 months with first a crash resulting in a broken arm and fractured hip, followed by less than...

What's with all the 'carb' bashing?
Over the past few years carbohydrates have come in for a pretty rough time, with seemingly endless condemnation from fitness magazines...

Season ends with a bang (literally)
Well it's been a mixed season performance wise, which ended unceremoniously with a bang on Sunday 25th September. Early season races were...

ETU Long Course Success
On the 24th July this year Poznan, Poland hosted the ETU Long course triathlon championships. ProformSportScience.co.uk had been working...

New race kit!!
Well we've been up an running for a few weeks now and we've had our first few clients through the door. But now it time to increase our...
We are up and running
Finally, we are up and running! It seems like a long time ago since I decided to set up this business, but we are ready roll at last....